Veterans Day


Production Columbus Messenger


(Posted Oct. 31, 2024)

Veterans Day activities, ceremonies, and programs in London are as follows:

The Madison County Senior Center, 280 W. High St., London, invites veterans to enjoy lunch at no cost on Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. The menu includes beef and noodles.

A Veterans Day program will follow at noon. American Legion Post 201 will provide the color guard. A representative from Veteran Companion Animal Services (VCAS) will serve as the guest speaker. Based in Delaware, VCAS places rescue animals with veterans dealing with physical or mental health issues, including post traumatic distress disorder, depression, anxiety, and social isolation. The dogs offer the veterans structure, companionship, and unconditional love. The veterans provide the dogs with stable, forever homes.

The public is welcome to attend. For more information, call the senior center at (740) 852-3001.