Office - 740-852-1867
Fax - 740-852-7032
Sewer Plant
501 S. Main St.

Water and Wastewater provided by Mid-Ohio Water and Sewer District.
All new city residents are required to complete an Application for Water and Sewer services. Please visit the Mid-Ohio WSD page for further information and the necessary form.
Sanitation Information:
All new city residents are required to complete a Service Application Card for sanitation services. AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE MID-OHIO WATER & WASTEWATER FORM, please complete the form linked at the top of this page through the "Service Application Card" button to set up your City of London Sanitation service - you will need your Mid-Ohio WSD Account Number to set up your Sanitation Service.
Sanitation rates are as follows:
-Weekly Pickup: $20.75 per month
-Trash Can: $70.20 per can, payable upon first bill
-Additional Trash Can Pickup: $4.58 per can
-Assistance Service: $2.27
Assistance service involves our Sanitation staff retrieving your trash cans from your house, and putting them back once emptied. Any resident over 65, or handicapped, may apply to waive the assistance fee. This application must be completed in person at the MidOhio WSD office.
-Commercial/Industrial: $20.75/month for trash service. Businesses moving into the city must pay full price for the cans.
-Commercial/Industrial: $5.87 cubic yard for dumpsters. please call the Sanitation Department for dumpster fees and information 740.852.5821
Paying Your Bill:
Portal payments can be made at any time, access the portal HERE. Pay in person at our office during business hours or drop your payment in the deposit box located on the side of the building, to the right of the front doors.
Late Payments:
Residential utilities bills are mailed out the 1st of every month and are due on the 20th of the month. A 10% late fee is automatically applied to the bill on the 21st. Failure to receive your bill does not waive your obligation to make payment when due.
Water and Wastewater Rates:
As part of our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement, some adjustments to our rates went into effect on January 1, 2024, in accordance with Ordinances 116.23 and 117.23. This means reflected on your February bill you can expect the following small increases:
-An $8.62 base rate increase, in addition to the following related to usage;
- $5.99 for sewer service
- 3% for all water and sanitation services
- $1.50 for storm sewer services
Mid-Ohio rates and charges have not yet taken effect, and we will communicate this information when it changes.