Youth Spring Volleyball League

Follow our Facebook page, London Parks and Recreation, for important updates and all announcements! All announcements and information will be posted to the Facebook page.
Registration dates and fees:
· Registrations are being accepted beginning January 13th, 2025.
· January 13th to February 16th the registration fee is $85 per child.
· February 17th to February 23rd a late fee of $10.00 will be added.
· Registration fee on the day of try-outs will be $110.
· Player Evaluations are February 24th or 25th at the London Elementary Wood Gym.
· Time is TBD.
Registrations forms are available at the following locations:
● London City Hall Offices, 20 S. Walnut Street at the front door and can be dropped in the night deposit. You may also download a registration and drop it off or mail it to City of London, 20 S. Walnut Street, Suite 104, London, Ohio 43140 – Attn: Youth Volleyball
● You can register and pay online by using the "Register Online" button at the top of this page.
· Player Evaluations are February 24th or 25th. Time is TBA.
· Each player will be assessed based on their skill level and assigned to a team.
· Teams will be divided by skill level. It is our goal to assign each participant to a team to create a common competitive environment for all teams and participants. Requests cannot be guaranteed.
Practices & games:
· Practices will begin, TENTATIVELY, on February 26th @ London Elementary Wood Gym
· Practice times will be at 6:15pm and 7:15pm Monday thru Thursday.
· Teams will be scheduled to practice for one hour twice a week.
· Games will take place at London Elementary Wood Gym
· Games will be held on Saturdays and throughout the week on Weds/Thurs.
· There are three games in one match. If winner of the match is decided in 2 games, the 3rd will be played if there is time.
· Arriving late to a game after it has started will result in sitting out until the following game.
Division I: 4th, 5th, 6th ,7th & 8th Grades
Division II: 2nd & 3rd Grades
Division III: Kindergarten & 1st Grade
**This is tentative on depending on
the number of Registrations**
London Parks & Recreation Spring Volleyball Rules & Regulations
I. Players and Coaches
A. Divisions by Grade: Players will determine their division of play by the grade they are currently in for school. Any player may play in an older division, but no player may play in a division younger than their grade.
***NOTE*** London Parks & Recreation reserves the right to adjust divisions based on enrollment.
B. NUMBER OF PLAYERS: London Parks & Recreation will try to keep the number of kids on a team to a small number to allow for more participation from all during games.
K/1st- 6 on the court/10 Max per team
2nd/3rd- 6 on the court/10 Max per team
4th/5th/6th/7th/8th- 6 on the court/10 Max per team
K/1st – Softlight Ball (Black & Yellow)
2nd/3rd – Volleylite Ball
4th/5th/6th/7th/8th – Volleylite Ball
B. DURATION: A match will consist of the best two out of three sets with a fifty-minute time limit. The 1st and 2nd sets are to 25 points, the 3rd set is to 15 points and teams must win by two points (ex: 27-25). All sets are rally-point system. At the end of each set, teams will switch sides.
Two (2) – 30 second time outs are allowed per game.
*****K/1st will play to 21 for the first 2 sets and to 11 if set #3 is needed*****
C. Size of the Court and Net: Court will be 60’ long x 30’ wide
Net height for all divisions will be 7’
D. Substitutions: Players will substitute into the game each time the team rotates. When rotating, the players will move clockwise around the court. The substitution spot is typically closest to the team’s bench. Once the substitution spot has been chosen for the first substitution, it must remain there for the remainder of the set.
A. Serving Rules
K/1st – Players will start their serve from behind the 10’ line. If the serving team scores 2 consecutive points off their own serve, the server must now serve from the 12.5’ line. If the serving team scores 2 more consecutive points, the server will serve her last ball from the 15’ line. If the server has 5 successful serves getting points for their team, they will rotate, and a teammate will start serving from the 10’ line
***For games 1&2 for each team, each server will get an additional opportunity to serve, if their first serve attempt does not go over the net. This is only for their first attempt, each time, from the 10’ line. If their first serve goes over the net, but is out of bounds, they will not receive an additional opportunity. No points are awarded to either team on a servers first attempt, unless the ball is served over the net.
2nd/3rd – Players will serve from a step-in line. This line will be 10’ in from the regulation service line and will be marked.
4th/5th/6th/7th/8th – Players will serve from a step-in line. This line will be two meters (6’ 6 ¾”) in from the regulation service line and will be marked.
The server may serve from anywhere behind the service line. The server may not step on the service line. When this occurs, it is a side out. There will be no warnings for this violation. The server must wait until the referee has blown their whistle before serving. The serve can hit the net and cross between the two antennas and is still a live ball. Any server cannot serve more than five (5) consecutive points. When this occurs, the team will rotate, and a teammate will become the server.
B. No player can touch the net or cross the center line underneath the net.
C. The ball must be hit, not caught, or thrown. A team is entitled to three hits before they must return the ball to the opposing team. A returned ball may hit the net and be considered in fair play. A player may not hit the ball two consecutive times.
D. The ball must pass over the net and completely between the posts to remain in play.
E. The first touch off a serve can be anything except a hit or a block.