Forms and FAQs
Criminal Records Check
Q: How do I obtain a criminal records check through fingerprints?
A: Criminal record checks through fingerprint verification are available at the Madison County Sheriff's Office or at the BCI&I office on SR 56. There is a cost for those state and national checks. The London Police Division only offers local record checks for involvements with our agency. Those reports are free.
Q. How do I file a complaint on an officer or member of the department?
A. The London Police accept your complaints or questions regarding employees by phone, email or in person. You may call the office at anytime to register your complaint with the supervisor on duty. Anonymous complaints are investigated to the extent possible, however we encourage those concerned to give contact information. You may submit anonymous complaints through our app found in the app store.
Forms for Public Use
You may email LPD, mail or bring the necessary form to the London Police Division, 10 E. First Street London, Ohio 43140. Any questions, call 740-852-1414.
Forms for public use can be downloaded from the links below: